Lonoce website



Born and lives in Milan.
He began his classical music studies at 19.
After years of research in the pop world (period of '68), he arrives at cultured music, enlightened by the encounter with the figure of maestro Andres Segovia in a historic 1971 concert at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. From that moment he decides to start studying classical guitar which leads him to a very brilliant diploma (10/10) in 1985.
He also studies Composition with Maestro Franco Donatoni


Parallel university studies also lead him to a degree with full marks in Physics with a thesis in Musical Informatics at his debut in the Italian panorama.
In fact, the thesis wanted to bring the computer academic world closer to that of the Conservatory of Music.
In those years he began his career as a teacher of instrumental music which would later become his main activity.

Numerous are his projects in the educational field related to music and the use of new information technologies.
Become an expert in this sector, developing and experimenting projects with the Municipality of Milan, with Ricordi & C. (of which he became a consultant for several years), with the IBM study center, with the Municipality of Cremona (creator of the STRADIVARIUS project, IT paths for school: music, mathematics, geography and more on the computer), with CNR-IRRSAE Lombarda (participating as a musical expert in the “virtual reality and learning” project), with IRRE Lombardia.
He also realizes a VIRTUAL ORGAN, as part of the exhibition "The art of sound" in Bergamo.


With the Centro Studi Arcipelago Musica in Milan, of which he will become Director of the Multimedia Library, he participates as an expert in two European projects (Wedel Music and Axmedis) for the study of multi-channel distribution in the internet of scores and audio under protection of copyright author
In 2007 he founded and became President of the ICM Insieme Con la Musica association which established itself in Milan with multiple projects aimed at the very young and young people.
With ICM he promotes musical culture in every sphere, especially educational / social.
He founded and became Artistic Director of the "Giovani & Giovanissimi in Concerto" festival, founded three youth training orchestras, founded the Mani Bianche Choir, a musical integration project with deaf children.

In the years 2011-2013 he was appointed general manager of the Regional School Office (USR) of Lombardy
was seconded from teaching to follow the "School Innovation Project in training courses
musical "in order to promote and support processes to improve the quality of the training offer.
He has dealt in particular with the vertical relationship of musical education, between the referents of the primary school, Middle schools with a musical focus and musical high schools at regional level (Lombardy).
With USR assignment he was guitar teacher at the Tenca Music High School in Milan.
Among his many creative ideas also the conception of the Polis 3000 board game, aimed at acquiring familiarity with the dynamics and terminology of city administrations.
At the 2016 Teachers Competition he had the role of 1°Commissioner for the AB55 competition class, guitar in musical high schools in Northern Italy  
October 2016 he was nominated as regional referent of Lombardy for the project "System of Orchestras and Youth and Children Choirs in Italy"
In 2024 he founded together with Vittorio Giola
Milano Wind Ensemble

e-mail: roby@lonoce.com



Roberto Lonoce website